Experience a better way
to certify your English skills with G-TELP
G-TELP Speaking Test (GST)
- Designed to assess the general English speaking proficiency of non-native English speakers
- Based on everyday situations, such as providing personal information, discussing hobbies, and travel recommendations
- Assesses a variety of speaking skills, such as description, narration, explanation, and discussion
G-TELP Writing Test (GWT)
- Designed to assess the general English writing proficiency of non-native English speakers
- Simulates real-life activities, such as school assignments, work reports, cultural articles, scientific journals, media ads, and personal letters
- Gives test takers the opportunity to develop and organize ideas in response to a set of requirements and present them in a structured essay
G-TELP Business Speaking Test (GBST)
- Designed to assess an examinee’s ability to use English in a business setting
- Contains 100% business-oriented materials, topics, and situations
- Measures an examinee’s speaking proficiency through their responses to the various work-related situations and conditions presented
- Can develop customized items based on client needs
G-TELP Business Writing Test (GBWT)
- Designed to assess an examinee’s ability to write clearly and effectively in a business setting
- Contains 100% business-oriented materials, topics, and situations
- Measures an examinee’s writing proficiency through their responses to the various work-related situations and conditions presented
- Can develop customized items based on client needs
G-TELP Level Test (GLT)
- Criterion-referenced test
- Five different levels reflecting the complexity, difficulty, and demands of the English skills being assessed
- Uses authentic, real-world tasks to measure an examinee's proficiency in listening and reading comprehension as well as their knowledge of vocabulary and grammar
- Evaluates English proficiency for everyday use
G-TELP Junior Test (G-TELP Jr.)
- Criterion-referenced test
- Five different levels of difficulty to fit the situations, needs, and English skills of young learners
- Uses authentic, real-world tasks to measure an examinee's proficiency in both listening and reading comprehension
- Designed for children, adolescents, and novice learners of English